
velcro01Currently on Day 11 of the Two Week Wait.  On day 7 I took a progesterone test and the nurse called me back later that day, Friday.  When I answered the phone, she sounded weird, but it turns out she was just driving.  A little confused why or how she could give me the results while driving lol, but she is supportive and deals very well with my incessant and obsessive questions.  She said that my progesterone is 16.5 and that she wanted me to start the Progesterone Suppositories.  She said that they will help my uterine lining to become sticker for the embryo so that it can implant fully.  So I started on Friday night.

Luckily, my husband and I have never been shy about these sorts of things.  In the first 3 months of dating in college, my then boyfriend and now husband, discovered he had hemorrhoids.  So I, as a loving girlfriend and daughter of a nursing professor, had no qualms with putting the cream on him or inserting his suppositories.  So now, 8 years later, I am calling in the favor!  But it is not the first time 🙂  One day, a few months ago, I threw out my back but I was also starting my period.  I sleep wildly so I always use a tampon at night.  But because of my back, I had a hard time inserting the tampon, so I had my hubby try.  LONGEST 30 MINUTES EVER!  But hilarious.  It was adorable because he actually had to use the directions that came with.  You would think he was putting together IKEA furniture, he was trying so hard.

So now my husband had to insert the suppository.  For some reason, he did not realize that you can’t just force and push like you can with a penis.  Took a couple of tries, but with the guidance of his finger, he got it waaaay up there.  Well, far enough.  I read up on the side effects and leakage was a big one.  I laid down for an hour after and I didn’t get leakage effect.  But I have been incredibly tired the past couple of days and a few minutes of cramping today.  I haven’t had any angry outbursts this weekend and that could very much be due to my husband keeping calm for me.

My husband found a book called, “What He Can Expect When She Isn’t Expecting”.  He called me from work just to tell me how much he regrets that he didn’t pick up this book 6 months ago.  He also decided to start an infertility blog from the husband’s perspective.  I will reblog some of them here, but right now he is being amazing and cooking 3 dinners x2 right now.  He also went grocery shopping while I took a nap this afternoon.  Now we will have 3 dinners and 3 lunches.  That is a relief because I am so tired of unhealthy take out and whatever else I can find for food.  He is making a couple of Indian dishes, Italian and regular old American 🙂  And ALL FROM SCRATCH!  I grew up on Shake n Bake, Velveeta and Hamburger Helper.  I can’t do out of a box again.  Plus, marinara from fresh tomatoes and herbs is 100x better than anything from a jar.

I have been doing very well not thinking about being pregnant.  I haven’t had any symptoms other than the headaches last week, but that could be bad or it could be good since I thought I had EVERY symptom last cycle and I wasn’t pregnant.  So I don’t trust the tricks that my mind plays.  I haven’t looked at any forums or websites on babies or infertility.  Except for info on the headaches.

This Friday is the blood pregnancy test.  I am not as nervous as I was last month, but I would by lying to myself if I said I weren’t nervous.  I am taking ALL precautions that I can, learning from last month’s meltdown.  I let the nurse know that I do not want her to call me before 5:00pm and I will call her earlier in the day to remind her.  I could let it just go to voicemail, but I would want to talk to her either way.  And she completely understood.  My husband will be there at 4:30 waiting.  The night before, I will pack our “Bug Out Bag”.  This will include supplies for 2 nights in a hotel out by the O’hare Airport.  (Nicer hotel for less $$) Clothes, snacks, TEQUILA (In the case that I’m not pregnant then this will be the only weekend I will be able to drink! ) board games, and items for sexy times.  My husband will have the “Bug Out Bag” and will be outside waiting.  I will leave work 5 minutes early and go to the car to wait for the call.  This is all for distraction in case of sad news or celebration if great news.

I will do my best to keep updating this week to keep track of my feelings.  I am in a good place now.  I really hope that I can say the same thing this time next week.

Sticky Vibes!!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. barrenandunemployed
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 11:53:52

    I bought my husband that book for Christmas!! It has been such a help to our relationship, he, too, said he wishes he had read it sooner. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news for you at the end of the week!


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